Cliente FTP para .NET 1.1 o 2, antes de que existieran los clientes FTP en el System.Net. En seguida el listado de código.
using System; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Collections; namespace F.Net.Protocols { public class FTP { #region Private Members And Properties private string server; /// <summary> /// IP address or hostname to connect to /// </summary> public string Server { get { return server; } set { server = value; } } private string user; /// <summary> /// Username to login as /// </summary> public string User { get { return user; } set { user = value; } } private string pass; /// <summary> /// Password for account /// </summary> public string Pass { get { return pass; } set { pass = value; } } private int port; /// <summary> /// Port number the FTP server is listening on /// </summary> public int Port { get { return port; } set { port = value; } } private int timeout; /// <summary> /// The timeout (miliseconds) for waiting on data to arrive /// </summary> public int Timeout { get { return timeout; } set { timeout = value; } } private string messages; // server messages private string responseStr; // server response if the user wants it. private bool passive_mode; // ####################################### private long bytes_total; // upload/download info if the user wants it. private long file_size; // gets set when an upload or download takes place private Socket main_sock; private IPEndPoint main_ipEndPoint; private Socket listening_sock; private Socket data_sock; private IPEndPoint data_ipEndPoint; private FileStream file; private int response; private string bucket; #endregion #region Constructors /// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> public FTP() { server = null; user = null; pass = null; port = 21; passive_mode = true; // ####################################### main_sock = null; main_ipEndPoint = null; listening_sock = null; data_sock = null; data_ipEndPoint = null; file = null; bucket = ""; bytes_total = 0; timeout = 10000; // 10 seconds messages = ""; } /// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="server">Server to connect to</param> /// <param name="user">Account to login as</param> /// <param name="pass">Account password</param> public FTP(string server, string user, string pass) { this.server = server; this.user = user; this.pass = pass; port = 21; passive_mode = true; // ####################################### main_sock = null; main_ipEndPoint = null; listening_sock = null; data_sock = null; data_ipEndPoint = null; file = null; bucket = ""; bytes_total = 0; timeout = 10000; // 10 seconds messages = ""; } /// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="server">Server to connect to</param> /// <param name="port">Port server is listening on</param> /// <param name="user">Account to login as</param> /// <param name="pass">Account password</param> public FTP(string server, int port, string user, string pass) { this.server = server; this.user = user; this.pass = pass; this.port = port; passive_mode = true; // ####################################### main_sock = null; main_ipEndPoint = null; listening_sock = null; data_sock = null; data_ipEndPoint = null; file = null; bucket = ""; bytes_total = 0; timeout = 10000; // 10 seconds messages = ""; } #endregion #region Informational Properties /// <summary> /// Connection status to the server /// </summary> public bool IsConnected { get { if (main_sock != null) return main_sock.Connected; return false; } } /// <summary> /// Returns true if the message buffer has data in it /// </summary> public bool MessagesAvailable { get { if (messages.Length > 0) return true; return false; } } /// <summary> /// Server messages if any, buffer is cleared after you access this property /// </summary> public string Messages { get { string tmp = messages; messages = ""; return tmp; } } /// <summary> /// The response string from the last issued command /// </summary> public string ResponseString { get { return responseStr; } } /// <summary> /// The total number of bytes sent/recieved in a transfer /// </summary> public long BytesTotal // ####################################### { get { return bytes_total; } } /// <summary> /// The size of the file being downloaded/uploaded (Can possibly be 0 if no size is available) /// </summary> public long FileSize // ####################################### { get { return file_size; } } /// <summary> /// True: Passive mode [default] /// False: Active Mode /// </summary> public bool PassiveMode // ####################################### { get { return passive_mode; } set { passive_mode = value; } } #endregion #region Connection handling methods private void Fail() { Disconnect(); throw new Exception(responseStr); } private void SetBinaryMode(bool mode) { if (mode) SendCommand("TYPE I"); else SendCommand("TYPE A"); ReadResponse(); if (response != 200) Fail(); } private void SendCommand(string command) { Byte[] cmd = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes((command + "\r\n").ToCharArray()); #if (FTP_DEBUG) if (command.Length > 3 && command.Substring(0, 4) == "PASS") Console.WriteLine("\rPASS xxx"); else Console.WriteLine("\r" + command); #endif main_sock.Send(cmd, cmd.Length, 0); } private void FillBucket() { Byte[] bytes = new Byte[512]; long bytesgot; int msecs_passed = 0; // ####################################### while (main_sock.Available < 1) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50); msecs_passed += 50; // this code is just a fail safe option // so the code doesn't hang if there is // no data comming. if (msecs_passed > timeout) { Disconnect(); throw new Exception("Timed out waiting on server to respond."); } } while (main_sock.Available > 0) { bytesgot = main_sock.Receive(bytes, 512, 0); bucket += Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes, 0, (int)bytesgot); // this may not be needed, gives any more data that hasn't arrived // just yet a small chance to get there. System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50); } } private string GetLineFromBucket() { int i; string buf = ""; if ((i = bucket.IndexOf('\n')) < 0) { while (i < 0) { FillBucket(); i = bucket.IndexOf('\n'); } } buf = bucket.Substring(0, i); bucket = bucket.Substring(i + 1); return buf; } // Any time a command is sent, use ReadResponse() to get the response // from the server. The variable responseStr holds the entire string and // the variable response holds the response number. private void ReadResponse() { string buf; messages = ""; while (true) { //buf = GetLineFromBucket(); buf = GetLineFromBucket(); #if (FTP_DEBUG) Console.WriteLine(buf); #endif // the server will respond with "000-Foo bar" on multi line responses // "000 Foo bar" would be the last line it sent for that response. // Better example: // "000-This is a multiline response" // "000-Foo bar" // "000 This is the end of the response" if (Regex.Match(buf, "^[0-9]+ ").Success) { responseStr = buf; response = int.Parse(buf.Substring(0, 3)); break; } else messages += Regex.Replace(buf, "^[0-9]+-", "") + "\n"; } } // if you add code that needs a data socket, i.e. a PASV or PORT command required, // call this function to do the dirty work. It sends the PASV or PORT command, // parses out the port and ip info and opens the appropriate data socket // for you. The socket variable is private Socket data_socket. Once you // are done with it, be sure to call CloseDataSocket() private void OpenDataSocket() { if (passive_mode) // ####################################### { string[] pasv; string server; int port; Connect(); SendCommand("PASV"); ReadResponse(); if (response != 227) Fail(); try { int i1, i2; i1 = responseStr.IndexOf('(') + 1; i2 = responseStr.IndexOf(')') - i1; pasv = responseStr.Substring(i1, i2).Split(','); } catch (Exception) { Disconnect(); throw new Exception("Malformed PASV response: " + responseStr); } if (pasv.Length < 6) { Disconnect(); throw new Exception("Malformed PASV response: " + responseStr); } server = String.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}", pasv[0], pasv[1], pasv[2], pasv[3]); port = (int.Parse(pasv[4]) << 8) + int.Parse(pasv[5]); try { #if (FTP_DEBUG) Console.WriteLine("Data socket: {0}:{1}", server, port); #endif CloseDataSocket(); #if (FTP_DEBUG) Console.WriteLine("Creating socket..."); #endif data_sock = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); #if (FTP_DEBUG) Console.WriteLine("Resolving host"); #endif data_ipEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(Dns.GetHostByName(server).AddressList[0], port); #if (FTP_DEBUG) Console.WriteLine("Connecting.."); #endif data_sock.Connect(data_ipEndPoint); #if (FTP_DEBUG) Console.WriteLine("Connected."); #endif } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Failed to connect for data transfer: " + ex.Message); } } else // ####################################### { Connect(); try { #if (FTP_DEBUG) Console.WriteLine("Data socket (active mode)"); #endif CloseDataSocket(); #if (FTP_DEBUG) Console.WriteLine("Creating listening socket..."); #endif listening_sock = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); #if (FTP_DEBUG) Console.WriteLine("Binding it to local address/port"); #endif // for the PORT command we need to send our IP address; let's extract it // from the LocalEndPoint of the main socket, that's already connected string sLocAddr = main_sock.LocalEndPoint.ToString(); int ix = sLocAddr.IndexOf(':'); if (ix < 0) { throw new Exception("Failed to parse the local address: " + sLocAddr); } string sIPAddr = sLocAddr.Substring(0, ix); // let the system automatically assign a port number (setting port = 0) System.Net.IPEndPoint localEP = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(sIPAddr), 0); listening_sock.Bind(localEP); sLocAddr = listening_sock.LocalEndPoint.ToString(); ix = sLocAddr.IndexOf(':'); if (ix < 0) { throw new Exception("Failed to parse the local address: " + sLocAddr); } int nPort = int.Parse(sLocAddr.Substring(ix + 1)); #if (FTP_DEBUG) Console.WriteLine("Listening on {0}:{1}", sIPAddr, nPort); #endif // start to listen for a connection request from the host (note that // Listen is not blocking) and send the PORT command listening_sock.Listen(1); string sPortCmd = string.Format("PORT {0},{1},{2}", sIPAddr.Replace('.', ','), nPort / 256, nPort % 256); SendCommand(sPortCmd); ReadResponse(); if (response != 200) Fail(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Failed to connect for data transfer: " + ex.Message); } } } private void ConnectDataSocket() // ####################################### { if (data_sock != null) // already connected (always so if passive mode) return; try { #if (FTP_DEBUG) Console.WriteLine("Accepting the data connection."); #endif data_sock = listening_sock.Accept(); // Accept is blocking listening_sock.Close(); listening_sock = null; if (data_sock == null) { throw new Exception("Winsock error: " + Convert.ToString(System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetLastWin32Error())); } #if (FTP_DEBUG) Console.WriteLine("Connected."); #endif } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Failed to connect for data transfer: " + ex.Message); } } private void CloseDataSocket() { #if (FTP_DEBUG) Console.WriteLine("Attempting to close data channel socket..."); #endif if (data_sock != null) { if (data_sock.Connected) { #if (FTP_DEBUG) Console.WriteLine("Closing data channel socket!"); #endif data_sock.Close(); #if (FTP_DEBUG) Console.WriteLine("Data channel socket closed!"); #endif } data_sock = null; } data_ipEndPoint = null; } /// <summary> /// Closes all connections to the ftp server /// </summary> public void Disconnect() { CloseDataSocket(); if (main_sock != null) { if (main_sock.Connected) { SendCommand("QUIT"); main_sock.Close(); } main_sock = null; } if (file != null) file.Close(); main_ipEndPoint = null; file = null; } /// <summary> /// Connect to a ftp server /// </summary> /// <param name="server">IP or hostname of the server to connect to</param> /// <param name="port">Port number the server is listening on</param> /// <param name="user">Account name to login as</param> /// <param name="pass">Password for the account specified</param> public void Connect(string server, int port, string user, string pass) { if (IsConnected) Disconnect(); this.server = server; this.user = user; this.pass = pass; this.port = port; Connect(); } /// <summary> /// Connect to a ftp server /// </summary> /// <param name="server">IP or hostname of the server to connect to</param> /// <param name="user">Account name to login as</param> /// <param name="pass">Password for the account specified</param> public void Connect(string server, string user, string pass) { this.server = server; this.user = user; this.pass = pass; Connect(); } /// <summary> /// Connect to an ftp server /// </summary> public void Connect() { if (IsConnected) return; if (server == null) throw new Exception("No server has been set."); if (user == null) throw new Exception("No username has been set."); if (main_sock != null) if (main_sock.Connected) return; main_sock = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); main_ipEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(Dns.GetHostByName(server).AddressList[0], port); try { main_sock.Connect(main_ipEndPoint); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } ReadResponse(); if (response != 220) Fail(); SendCommand("USER " + user); ReadResponse(); switch (response) { case 331: if (pass == null) { Disconnect(); throw new Exception("No password has been set."); } SendCommand("PASS " + pass); ReadResponse(); if (response != 230) Fail(); break; case 230: break; } return; } #endregion #region FTP Commands public ArrayList List() { Byte[] bytes = new Byte[512]; string file_list = ""; long bytesgot = 0; int msecs_passed = 0; ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); Connect(); OpenDataSocket(); SendCommand("LIST"); ReadResponse(); //Added response 125 switch (response) { case 125: case 150: break; default: CloseDataSocket(); throw new Exception(responseStr); } ConnectDataSocket(); // ####################################### while (data_sock.Available < 1) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50); msecs_passed += 50; // this code is just a fail safe option // so the code doesn't hang if there is // no data comming. if (msecs_passed > (timeout / 10)) { //CloseDataSocket(); //throw new Exception("Timed out waiting on server to respond."); //If there are no files to list it gives timeout. //So I wait less time and if no data is received, means that there are no files break;//Maybe there are no files } } while (data_sock.Available > 0) { bytesgot = data_sock.Receive(bytes, bytes.Length, 0); file_list += Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes, 0, (int)bytesgot); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50); // *shrug*, sometimes there is data comming but it isn't there yet. } CloseDataSocket(); ReadResponse(); if (response != 226) throw new Exception(responseStr); foreach (string f in file_list.Split('\n')) { if (f.Length > 0 && !Regex.Match(f, "^total").Success) { list.Add(f.Substring(0, f.Length - 1)); } } return list; } /// <summary> /// Retrieves a list of files from the ftp server /// </summary> /// <returns>An ArrayList of files</returns> public ArrayList List(string mask) { Byte[] bytes = new Byte[512]; string file_list = ""; long bytesgot = 0; int msecs_passed = 0; ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); if (mask != null) { if (mask.Trim().Length == 0) { mask = "*.*"; } } else { mask = "*.*"; } Connect(); OpenDataSocket(); //SendCommand("LIST"); SendCommand("NLST " + mask); ReadResponse(); //Added response 125 switch (response) { case 125: case 150: break; default: CloseDataSocket(); throw new Exception(responseStr); } ConnectDataSocket(); // ####################################### while (data_sock.Available < 1) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50); msecs_passed += 50; // this code is just a fail safe option // so the code doesn't hang if there is // no data comming. if (msecs_passed > (timeout / 10)) { //CloseDataSocket(); //throw new Exception("Timed out waiting on server to respond."); //If there are no files to list it gives timeout. //So I wait less time and if no data is received, means that there are no files break;//Maybe there are no files } } while (data_sock.Available > 0) { bytesgot = data_sock.Receive(bytes, bytes.Length, 0); file_list += Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes, 0, (int)bytesgot); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50); // *shrug*, sometimes there is data comming but it isn't there yet. } CloseDataSocket(); ReadResponse(); if (response != 226) throw new Exception(responseStr); foreach (string f in file_list.Split('\n')) { if (f.Length > 0 && !Regex.Match(f, "^total").Success) { list.Add(f.Substring(0, f.Length - 1)); } } return list; } /// <summary> /// Gets a file list only /// </summary> /// <returns>ArrayList of files only</returns> public ArrayList ListFiles() { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); foreach (string f in List()) { //FILIPE MADUREIRA //In Windows servers it is identified by <DIR> if ((f.Length > 0)) { if ((f[0] != 'd') && (f.ToUpper().IndexOf("<DIR>") < 0)) list.Add(f); } } return list; } /// <summary> /// Gets a file list only /// </summary> /// <returns>ArrayList of files only</returns> public ArrayList ListFiles(string mask) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); foreach (string f in List(mask)) { //FILIPE MADUREIRA //In Windows servers it is identified by <DIR> if ((f.Length > 0)) { if ((f[0] != 'd') && (f.ToUpper().IndexOf("<DIR>") < 0)) list.Add(f); } } return list; } /// <summary> /// Gets a directory list only /// </summary> /// <returns>ArrayList of directories only</returns> public ArrayList ListDirectories() { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); foreach (string f in List()) { //FILIPE MADUREIRA //In Windows servers it is identified by <DIR> if (f.Length > 0) { if ((f[0] == 'd') || (f.ToUpper().IndexOf("<DIR>") >= 0)) list.Add(f); } } return list; } /// <summary> /// Returns the 'Raw' DateInformation in ftp format. (YYYYMMDDhhmmss). Use GetFileDate to return a DateTime object as a better option. /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName">Remote FileName to Query</param> /// <returns>Returns the 'Raw' DateInformation in ftp format</returns> public string GetFileDateRaw(string fileName) { Connect(); SendCommand("MDTM " + fileName); ReadResponse(); if (response != 213) { #if (FTP_DEBUG) Console.Write("\r" + responseStr); #endif throw new Exception(responseStr); } return (this.responseStr.Substring(4)); } /// <summary> /// GetFileDate will query the ftp server for the date of the remote file. /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName">Remote FileName to Query</param> /// <returns>DateTime of the Input FileName</returns> public DateTime GetFileDate(string fileName) { return ConvertFTPDateToDateTime(GetFileDateRaw(fileName)); } private DateTime ConvertFTPDateToDateTime(string input) { if (input.Length < 14) throw new ArgumentException("Input Value for ConvertFTPDateToDateTime method was too short."); //YYYYMMDDhhmmss": int year = Convert.ToInt16(input.Substring(0, 4)); int month = Convert.ToInt16(input.Substring(4, 2)); int day = Convert.ToInt16(input.Substring(6, 2)); int hour = Convert.ToInt16(input.Substring(8, 2)); int min = Convert.ToInt16(input.Substring(10, 2)); int sec = Convert.ToInt16(input.Substring(12, 2)); return new DateTime(year, month, day, hour, min, sec); } /// <summary> /// Get the working directory on the ftp server /// </summary> /// <returns>The working directory</returns> public string GetWorkingDirectory() { //PWD - print working directory Connect(); SendCommand("PWD"); ReadResponse(); if (response != 257) throw new Exception(responseStr); string pwd; try { pwd = responseStr.Substring(responseStr.IndexOf("\"", 0) + 1);//5); pwd = pwd.Substring(0, pwd.LastIndexOf("\"")); pwd = pwd.Replace("\"\"", "\""); // directories with quotes in the name come out as "" from the server } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Uhandled PWD response: " + ex.Message); } return pwd; } /// <summary> /// Change to another directory on the ftp server /// </summary> /// <param name="path">Directory to change to</param> public void ChangeDir(string path) { Connect(); SendCommand("CWD " + path); ReadResponse(); if (response != 250) { #if (FTP_DEBUG) Console.Write("\r" + responseStr); #endif throw new Exception(responseStr); } } /// <summary> /// Create a directory on the ftp server /// </summary> /// <param name="dir">Directory to create</param> public void MakeDir(string dir) { Connect(); SendCommand("MKD " + dir); ReadResponse(); switch (response) { case 257: case 250: break; default: #if (FTP_DEBUG) Console.Write("\r" + responseStr); #endif throw new Exception(responseStr); } } /// <summary> /// Remove a directory from the ftp server /// </summary> /// <param name="dir">Name of directory to remove</param> public void RemoveDir(string dir) { Connect(); SendCommand("RMD " + dir); ReadResponse(); if (response != 250) { #if (FTP_DEBUG) Console.Write("\r" + responseStr); #endif throw new Exception(responseStr); } } /// <summary> /// Remove a file from the ftp server /// </summary> /// <param name="filename">Name of the file to delete</param> public void RemoveFile(string filename) { Connect(); SendCommand("DELE " + filename); ReadResponse(); if (response != 250) { #if (FTP_DEBUG) Console.Write("\r" + responseStr); #endif throw new Exception(responseStr); } } /// <summary> /// Rename a file on the ftp server /// </summary> /// <param name="oldfilename">Old file name</param> /// <param name="newfilename">New file name</param> public void RenameFile(string oldfilename, string newfilename) // ####################################### { Connect(); SendCommand("RNFR " + oldfilename); ReadResponse(); if (response != 350) { #if (FTP_DEBUG) Console.Write("\r" + responseStr); #endif throw new Exception(responseStr); } else { SendCommand("RNTO " + newfilename); ReadResponse(); if (response != 250) { #if (FTP_DEBUG) Console.Write("\r" + responseStr); #endif throw new Exception(responseStr); } } } /// <summary> /// Get the size of a file (Provided the ftp server supports it) /// </summary> /// <param name="filename">Name of file</param> /// <returns>The size of the file specified by filename</returns> public long GetFileSize(string filename) { Connect(); SendCommand("SIZE " + filename); ReadResponse(); if (response != 213) { #if (FTP_DEBUG) Console.Write("\r" + responseStr); #endif throw new Exception(responseStr); } return Int64.Parse(responseStr.Substring(4)); } #endregion #region Download And Upload Methods /// <summary> /// Open an upload with no resume if it already exists /// </summary> /// <param name="filename">File to upload</param> public void OpenUpload(string filename) { OpenUpload(filename, filename, false); } /// <summary> /// Open an upload with no resume if it already exists /// </summary> /// <param name="filename">Local file to upload (Can include path to file)</param> /// <param name="remotefilename">Filename to store file as on ftp server</param> public void OpenUpload(string filename, string remotefilename) { OpenUpload(filename, remotefilename, false); } /// <summary> /// Open an upload with resume support /// </summary> /// <param name="filename">Local file to upload (Can include path to file)</param> /// <param name="resume">Attempt resume if exists</param> public void OpenUpload(string filename, bool resume) { OpenUpload(filename, filename, resume); } /// <summary> /// Open an upload with resume support /// </summary> /// <param name="filename">Local file to upload (Can include path to file)</param> /// <param name="remote_filename">Filename to store file as on ftp server</param> /// <param name="resume">Attempt resume if exists</param> public void OpenUpload(string filename, string remote_filename, bool resume) { Connect(); SetBinaryMode(true); OpenDataSocket(); bytes_total = 0; try { file = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open); } catch (Exception ex) { file = null; throw new Exception(ex.Message); } file_size = file.Length; if (resume) { long size = GetFileSize(remote_filename); SendCommand("REST " + size); ReadResponse(); if (response == 350) file.Seek(size, SeekOrigin.Begin); } SendCommand("STOR " + remote_filename); ReadResponse(); switch (response) { case 125: case 150: break; default: file.Close(); file = null; throw new Exception(responseStr); } ConnectDataSocket(); // ####################################### return; } /// <summary> /// Download a file with no resume /// </summary> /// <param name="filename">Remote file name</param> public void OpenDownload(string filename) { OpenDownload(filename, filename, false); } /// <summary> /// Download a file with optional resume /// </summary> /// <param name="filename">Remote file name</param> /// <param name="resume">Attempt resume if file exists</param> public void OpenDownload(string filename, bool resume) { OpenDownload(filename, filename, resume); } /// <summary> /// Download a file with no attempt to resume /// </summary> /// <param name="filename">Remote filename</param> /// <param name="localfilename">Local filename (Can include path to file)</param> public void OpenDownload(string filename, string localfilename) { OpenDownload(filename, localfilename, false); } /// <summary> /// Open a file for download /// </summary> /// <param name="remote_filename">The name of the file on the FTP server</param> /// <param name="local_filename">The name of the file to save as (Can include path to file)</param> /// <param name="resume">Attempt resume if file exists</param> public void OpenDownload(string remote_filename, string local_filename, bool resume) { Connect(); SetBinaryMode(true); bytes_total = 0; try { file_size = GetFileSize(remote_filename); } catch { file_size = 0; } if (resume && File.Exists(local_filename)) { try { file = new FileStream(local_filename, FileMode.Open); } catch (Exception ex) { file = null; throw new Exception(ex.Message); } SendCommand("REST " + file.Length); ReadResponse(); if (response != 350) throw new Exception(responseStr); file.Seek(file.Length, SeekOrigin.Begin); bytes_total = file.Length; } else { try { file = new FileStream(local_filename, FileMode.Create); } catch (Exception ex) { file = null; throw new Exception(ex.Message); } } OpenDataSocket(); SendCommand("RETR " + remote_filename); ReadResponse(); switch (response) { case 125: case 150: break; default: file.Close(); file = null; throw new Exception(responseStr); } ConnectDataSocket(); // ####################################### return; } /// <summary> /// Upload the file, to be used in a loop until file is completely uploaded /// </summary> /// <returns>Bytes sent</returns> public long DoUpload() { Byte[] bytes = new Byte[512]; long bytes_got; try { bytes_got = file.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); bytes_total += bytes_got; data_sock.Send(bytes, (int)bytes_got, 0); if (bytes_got <= 0) { // the upload is complete or an error occured file.Close(); file = null; CloseDataSocket(); ReadResponse(); switch (response) { case 226: case 250: break; default: throw new Exception(responseStr); } SetBinaryMode(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { file.Close(); file = null; CloseDataSocket(); ReadResponse(); SetBinaryMode(false); throw ex; } return bytes_got; } /// <summary> /// Download a file, to be used in a loop until the file is completely downloaded /// </summary> /// <returns>Number of bytes recieved</returns> public long DoDownload() { Byte[] bytes = new Byte[512]; long bytes_got; try { bytes_got = data_sock.Receive(bytes, bytes.Length, 0); if (bytes_got <= 0) { // the download is done or an error occured CloseDataSocket(); file.Close(); file = null; ReadResponse(); switch (response) { case 226: case 250: break; default: throw new Exception(responseStr); } SetBinaryMode(false); return bytes_got; } file.Write(bytes, 0, (int)bytes_got); bytes_total += bytes_got; } catch (Exception ex) { CloseDataSocket(); file.Close(); file = null; ReadResponse(); SetBinaryMode(false); throw ex; } return bytes_got; } #endregion #region Wrapper Methods public void setRemoteHost(string host) { server = host; } public void setRemoteUser(string usr) { user = usr; } public void setRemotePass(string pwd) { pass = pwd; } public void setRemotePath(string path) { } public void setRemotePort(int p) { port = p; } public void login() { if (IsConnected == false) { Connect(); } } public string[] getFileList(string mask) { ArrayList a = ListFiles(mask); if (a != null) { string[] s = new string[a.Count]; a.CopyTo(s); return s; } return null; } public void close() { Disconnect(); } public void upload(string f, bool p) { if (System.IO.File.Exists(f)) { OpenUpload(f, System.IO.Path.GetFileName(f), p); while (DoUpload() > 0) { //perc = (int)((ftp.BytesTotal * 100) / ftp.FileSize); } } } public void download(string f, string p, bool r) { OpenDownload(f, p, r); while (DoDownload() > 0) { //perc = (int)((ftp.BytesTotal * 100) / ftp.FileSize); } } public void deleteRemoteFile(string f) { RemoveFile(f); } #endregion } }